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ISBN 978-1-77171-366-5 Iotékha' (non-fiction) 24.95
published 2020 111 pages

Iotékha', which means “he burns” in the Mohawk language, is the journal of a feverish traveler who is torn between the pains and passions of life, who reveals his hopes and despairs, tirelessly seeking illuminations. Iotékha' is a book about things barely glimpsed, tobacco smoke, imaginary doomsdays, amazing yet ordinary people and fires that call us in the distance…

ISBN 978-1-77171-307-8 The Little Thief (fiction) 24.95
published 2019 104 pages

Set at the turn of the 19th century, The Little Thief is a historical novel about Anton Chekhov’s trip to the French Riviera to soothe his ailing lungs. It’s the story of missed encounters, train romance, and a playwright’s passion, where Chekhov struggles to reveal the secrets of his art to an eager young writer…and the depth of his love for the beautiful Olga Kniper.


ISBN 978-1-77171-209-5 The World on the Side of a Trout (non-fiction) 24.95
published 2016 153 pages

The World on the Side of a Trout is a meteorological journal of the mind, a meditation on the art of seeing, reading and writing by one of Quebec’s finest novelists.

ISBN 978-1-77171-150-0 The Heart Is What Dies Last (fiction) 24.95
published 2016 115 pages

In The Heart Is What Dies Last, Robert Lalonde paints a moving portrait of the woman who was his mother, a woman trapped by fate and who, from beyond the grave, nurtures a relationship of tenderness and conflict with her son.

ISBN 978-1-77171-097-8 Little Eagle with a White Head (fiction) 25.95
published 2015 248 pages

Beautiful, excessive and rich with lyrical flights, Robert Lalonde’s eighth novel is the story of Aubert, a poet of the woods on a quest to find his lost paradise. His journey takes him from a Mattawin lumber camp to the City of Light and back to his home country, where, hit by an epiphany, he realizes that paradise isn’t what happened in the past; it’s what might happen in the future.

ISBN 978-1-77171-000-8 The Last Indian Summer (fiction) 24.95
published 2014 124 pages

A post-colonial novel of protest, The Last Indian Summer is a bewitching and beautiful summer night’s dream, a hymn to passion, nature and freedom that condemns hypocrisy and intolerance. Winner of France's 1982 Prix Jean-Macé, it is Robert Lalonde's second novel.

ISBN 978-1-77171-032-9 What Will I Become Before I Die? (fiction) 24.95
published 2014 124 pages

Filled with poetic and sensual metaphors, What Will I Become Until I Die is a stunning portrait of adolescence, of its doubts and sudden flashes of anger. A glowing panegyric to Nature, it’s the key to understanding Robert Lalonde’s literary work.

ISBN 978-1-897430-87-3 Seven Lakes Further North (fiction) 24.95
published 2012 147 pages

Seven Lakes Further North is the story of Michel, a quarter-blood Native who sets out on a long trip to the great forest for a strange meeting with an Indian who’s taken refuge there following the Oka standoff. The story runs through a land of lakes and forests, from Oka to the Abitibi, to the source of the Ottawa River, as Michel rediscovers his mother, voices from his childhood, memories of fishing trips and his dead father’s torn landscapes.

ISBN 1-896860-84-2 The Whole Wide World (fiction) 18.95
published 2001 120 pages

The Whole Wide World is a joyful, humourous exploration of a “miraculous childhood” in rural Quebec. The stories convey the ambience and colour of an innocent time and place, a rich tapestry of eccentric relatives, folk legend, dreams, and backyard adventures.

ISBN 1-896860-34-6 One Beautiful Day To Come (fiction) 16.95
published 1998 132 pages

In One Beautiful Day to Come a writer introduces his bride to the enchanted village in which he was raised. He is haunted by his birth to parents who left him long ago, and by the hope of an expected child of his own who will yet know the wonder of a new world.

ISBN 1-896860-08-7 The Devil Incarnate (fiction) 15.95
published 1995 180 pages

The Devil Incarnate concerns two young cousins, Marie-Ange and Mathilde, and the mysterious man at the centre of their lives. A love story about the mystery and origin of love, it is a celebration of the sustaining power of the imagination.

ISBN 0-921215-92-4 The Ogre of Grand Remous (fiction) 14.95
published 1995 144 pages

Told in a series of notebook entries, letters and dreams, The Ogre of Grand Remous records the history of four siblings abandoned by their parents. Growing up alone, they are haunted by a terror of the ogre who awaits them at the edge of consciousness.