Elizabeth Rhett Woods | |||||
978-1-894800-98-2 1970: a novel poem (poetry) 18.95 1970: a novel poem is poet and novelist Elizabeth Rhett Woods' personal exploration of a pivital year of turmoil, discovery and transition. Draft dodgers, Vietnam, literature and LSD, love affairs, liasons and leavings - each has their season in a year scarred by the Kent State tragedies and the War Measures Act. |
1-894800-46-X Absinthe of Desire (poetry) 18.95 A feast of words that celebrate a consuming relationship that is, like absinthe, both intoxicating and deadly. The poet relishes the morsels life has left upon her plate, skillfully crafting a tantalizing array of experiences, where love and loss together tempt with a dangerous appeal. |
1-894800-86-9 Beyond the Pale (fiction) 21.95 In Beyond the Pale we meet artist Emily Quinn, a middle-aged painter involved in a marijuana smuggling operation. Initially attracted by the money and the idea of adventure, Emily discovers she is drawn to the men she is working with, and finds herself in an erotic triangle of love, sex and danger. |
Coyote: A Tale of Unexpected Consequenses (fiction) 24.95 Coyote: A Tale of Unexpected Consequences is a novel about an intelligent robot coyote who longs to be free. Incorporating poetry as well as prose, the novel explores the development of consciousness and personhood, friendship between women and men, freedom, and what it means in practice to be free.. |
Woman Walking: Selected Poems (poetry) 21.95 In her new collection Woman Walking: Selected Poems Elizabeth Rhett Woods wanders the world as we know it, singing secular hymns to contemporary life. For decades now, Woods has been writing clear and austere poems of straightforward brilliance and Woman Walking is a compilation of the many directions her path has taken her. |
www.elizabethrhettwoods.ca | |||||