Zellar |
ISBN 1-896860-03-6 Body of Insomnia and
Other Poems
published 1996 94 pages (poetry) 12.95
Body of Insomnia is the moving testament of a poet confronting
the passing years and yet confirming the value of poetry, love and freedom.
Zellar combines eroticism and spirituality in poems where reality shines
with the light of mystery and imagination. |
ISBN 978-1-894800-96-9 The Eye on Fire
(poetry) 18.95
published 2007 70 pages
Translated from the Spanish by esteemed poet A.F. Moritz, this new collection
from Zeller will find a place in the valued editions of contemporary world
literature.With Spanish and English poems en face, The Eye on Fire
offers readers the opportunity to engage in a poetry experience that transcends
cultural and perceptual boundaries. |
ISBN 978-1-897430-92-7 For a Savage Love / Por un amor salvaje (poetry)
published 2012 206 pages
For a Savage Love / Por un amor salvaje spans eighteen years of poetic productivity, and gives the reader a stirring overview of a major literary accomplishment: few poets speak so intensely from the very origins of language and in the mode of pure, ever-flowing song. The translations in For a Savage Love have been comprehensively revised by renowned translators and scholars Theresa Moritz and A. F. Moritz, and constitute new versions in English. The poems are presented here with the Spanish en face. |
ISBN 1-894800-52-4 Woman in Dream (poetry)
published 2004 94 pages
Woman in Dream is Ludwig Zellers classic tribute to a woman,
to all women, to the feminine itself as source of being. This trilingual
edition includes the original Spanish text, written in 1972, and two new
translations: French by Jean Antonin Billard and English by A. F. Moritz |