Bettina Klix
translated by Eric Miller

Rapture of the Depthspreviousnext Ekstasis Editions

The poet William Blake once wrote, “All that we saw was owing to your metaphysics.” Elusive, ingenuous, acerbic and sophisticated by turns, Bettina Klix, like Blake, cleanses our perception—her Rapture of the Depths shows us over and over again, in manifold ways, that we must always change our metaphysics. She helps us to our own experience. This is just one liberation, one generosity, among the many that her wonderfully varied writing embodies.
~ Luke Carson

As we read these wry, fine, precise cameos, we stand on the subway platform that has, in big cities, replaced the flâneur’s boulevard. Familiar things disclose their quiddity—strange, broken, resistant.
~ Christian Döring

Bettina Klix has always lived in Berlin, Germany. She studied German letters and social education. She has published short stories, as well as articles and essays on art and film. Her books include Tiefenrausch (Suhrkamp, 1986), Sehen Sprechen Gehen (Suhrkamp, 1993), Willkommen im Wunderland (with photos by Christine Kriegerowski, published by allgirls Gallerie, Berlin, 2008), and Verlorene Söhne, Töchter, Väter. Über Paul Schrader, (Verbrecher, 2010).

Eric Miller has published books of both poetry and prose, including The Reservoir (Ekstasis Editions, 2006) and The Day in Moss (Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2008). He is working on a novel set in eighteenth-century Canada.

ISBN 978-1-897430-10-1
116 pages
5 x 8
Now Available

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