Heather Spears

The Strong Boxpreviousnext Ekstasis Editions

The Strong Box is a dark romp along the undercurrent of ordinary family life. Set in the 70s in Ontario, this short, quirky novel by a usually serious author follows four sisters no longer young as they are dragged, by impending mortality, into a confrontation with the past. Murky subjects, snarky humour, characters as real, irritating and forgiveable as life, and a plot tight as a drum.

Scope, generosity, candour, harmony of passion and detachment…the intensity, the objectivity, the vision, the power of an extraordinarily selfless and dedicated writer...to read her is to extend one’s experience into areas of life most of us are sheltered from.
~ Jay Macpherson

Heather Spears, Canadian writer and artist, has lived in Denmark since 1962. She has published 14 collections of poetry, 3 novels of speculative fiction (The Moonfall Trilogy) and one of creative non-fiction (The Flourish), and 3 books of drawings. The Creative Eye: drawing, vision and the brain, (2007 and [illustrated] 2012) is the first of a series on art and the brain. The second, Stranger than a Wolf, on constructing the head in clay, is forthcoming. Among her awards are the Lowther Memorial Award (3 times) and The Governor General’s Award for Poetry. She instructs and lectures about drawing and has drawn in courtrooms, war zones, concert halls, literary festivals and hospitals: she specializes in drawing premature and stillborn babies. She has exhibited widely in Europe and America.

ISBN 978-1-77171-069-5
154 pages
5 x 8
Now available
For Canadian
For US
For international