Richard Olafson There Are Some Men So Unlucky
They Don’t Even Have Bodies
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There Are Some Men So Unlucky They Don’t Even Have Bodies offers a lyric bouquet of variegated blooms culled from the poetry of Richard Olafson from the years 1979 to 1986. Metaphysical, romantic and surreal, the poems of this volume are fragrant with fresh awareness and deep insight. In language both supple and strong, the poet conveys the inner essence of human and natural experience. Here are poems that dance off the page and linger in the consciousness, bestowing immediate and repeated enjoyment.

Richard Olafson has published a number of books and chapbooks, among them Blood of the Moon, The Name of Being, In Arbutus Light, Apotheosis, and The Ocean And My Body Are One. My Body Is The Ocean, and most recently Cloud on My Tongue. He has lived in Victoria for many years and enjoys parenting two boys with poet, singer-songwriter Carol Ann Sokoloff.

ISBN 1-894800-18-4
44 Pages
6 x 9
Now available